The Dunes

Once your campsite is all settled, it is now time to hit up the dunes. If it is your first-time make sure you are being safe and alert of your surroundings when riding. Safety is so important and unfortunately, accidents do happen. Here are some tips to keep in mind when riding the dunes:

  • Stay Alert: We aware of your surroundings. Other vehicles can come out of nowhere and you need to act fast to avoid colliding with them.
  • Learn the Terrain: Riding in the sand is so much different than riding on the road. Learn how to operate your vehicle and ride along the ridges.
  • Never Go Up a Dune: Never go straight up a dune because you do not know if another vehicle is coming up on the other side. 
  • Avoid Hitting a Witches Eye or Razorback: Witches eyes are dangerous bowls that the wind make. Razorbacks are when the dune is steep on both sides. You do not want to hit any one of those going fast. Not only will you get injured, but your vehicle can get damaged as well.
  • Never Ride Alone: If you are a first-time rider, we recommend you ride with a leader that knows what they are doing. You will be much safer and also learn new tips and tricks from them.